It’s been six months since I made my New Years Resolutions. Here’s an update on where I stand with them –
- Write more consistently every day.
I’ve just gotten back into the habit, as mentioned in an earlier post. I’m up to doing a minimum of 350 words a day.
- Finish a final draft of the first novel.
Not quite there yet. A few friends are reading it now to look for weak sections and plot holes. My goal now is to have it ready for editing the by the end of the year.
- Come up with a series name.
I have a name I’m strongly considering. It could be either a series title, a novel title, or both.
- Finish a second and third draft of the second novel in the series.
Haven’t touched this one yet. This will most likely be postponed to 2015. Or maybe I’ll work on it for this year’s NaNoWriMo.
- Finish a first draft of the third novel.
Same situation as above. I might begin the outline, but it most likely won’t be worked on in any serious fashion until next year.
- Do research on becoming represented by an agent.
I haven’t done research on finding a specific agent.
- Do research on submitting directly to publishers.
I haven’t done research on which specific publisher this story would be appropriate to submit to. I have been reading a few publisher’s procedures.
- Do research on self-publishing.
I’ve read a little about the process and talked to a friend as she’s released her books.
- Become more active on Twitter.
Its going slowly, but I’m getting there.
- Set up a Facebook profile
No longer sure about this in light of their recent shennanigans.
- Become active on Goodreads
Occasionally update what I’m reading. I need to get better at doing this.
- Start posting twice a week on my blog
I was posting three times a week for a while. Right now I think I’m sticking with two.
- Start posting book reviews consistently
Haven’t started this yet.
- Find a writing group either online or in realspace to join
I’ve been reaching out in the local writing community when I’m at cons and making friends, but I haven’t found a writer’s group yet. I need to do more research.
I’ve done well compared to where I expected to be. I know that I won’t be able to keep all my resolutions, but it’s not all about what I’ve completed. It’s also about what I’ve accomplished, and the fact that I am trying.