What Have I Been Up To?

Short answer, a lot,

I came home from BayCon ready to share the wonderful time I had spending four days with friends, running and attending panels, and nerding out in general.  Except that two days after coming home, I tested positive for COVID.    Like you heard me mention on my email list, four years of avoiding getting sick was a good run.  I’ve had all my vaccinations up to that point.  So, I figured after a week I’d be back to work, both day job and writing.

No dice.  I was off work for about three weeks, and it took me an another month before I began feeling fully normal again.  

All of August was catching up and making lists for things that need to be done.  I started making arrangements for announcements and promotions and working on the new book series. (More on that in a bit.) And then I put my laptop to sleep.  When I tried to wake it up, the monitor didn’t turn back on.  After a trip to the Apple Store, $800, and five days, I had a working laptop again.  So now I was catching up on the month of July and the first ten days of August

The rest of August and almost all of September was spent setting up things for the announcement of the next Jordan Abbey book, and writing a new book with my bestie, Truly Bellamy.  Truly and I have known each other for over thirty years.  We’ve been writing fanfic together and separately for almost as long.  Now she has switched her focus to professionally publishing, and asked me if I would be interested in co-writing a novel.  We started on it on the end of June, and finished our first draft September 20th. Currently we’re working on the second book in the series before we go back and start the truly hard work – the second draft.

If you’ve made it all this way, thanks for reading.  If you’re not on my email list, I recommend you join.  Not only do you get a free Jordan Abbey story, but I’m going to be making the official announcement at the end of October.  And here’s a little teaser, a taste of what is coming.

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