I’m preparing for my appearance at BayCon. I’ll be at the following panels. Because of potential changes, double check the con’s schedule for current times and locations.
It Takes Guts
Sunday, July 2nd 10:00 – 11:30 AM
To get up on stage, how to be in a masquerade competition. What is involved with participating in such an event, the common rules, the preparation, and how it all works.
Sunday, July 2nd, 1:00 – 2:30 PM
Anything to do with Self Publishing (writing, covers, tools, etc)
Charity Auction
Sunday, July 2nd, 4:00 – 5:30 PM
Well, I won’t be running the auction, but it’s your chance to bid on the stinking cute AT-AT I made.

Hard Sci Fi vs Soft Sci Fi vs Science Fantasy
Monday, July 3rd, 1:00 – 2:30 PM
What is Hard Science Fiction vs Soft Science Fiction vs Science Fantasy? How many or what science facts do we have to include in our stories? Does what we call it have to do if we are focusing on the science or on the mystical aspects? Or is it only marketing?
Vampire Throwdown
Monday, July 3rd, 2:30 – 4:00 PM
Who’s the baddest bloodsucker?
Monday, July 3rd, 8:30 – 10:00 PM
Come and see all the wonderful cosplay on display by BayCon’s own. I’m a judge again this year, but I may have something on stage to show off.
Can’t make these panels? You can find me at the Liminal Fiction table. I will have copies of Chaos Wolf and Chaos Hunt available for purchase. Or bring your own copy and I will sign it.
If you can’t find me at the Liminal Fiction table, I’ll be walking around. Feel free to say hello.
PS – For fans of the Jordan Abbey Series, Angela Shane is making a guest appearance at Queen Titania’s Court. There you can find more information about how to get your free copy of Chaos Unleashed.