Two weeks ago I was at BayCon 2022, the first convention I attended since the announcement of the COVID Pandemic in 2020. I didn’t realize how much I had missed hanging out with my fellow science fiction and fantasy fans. It was a wonderful weekend reconnecting with friends and having fun.
And yes, despite being there as a featured author, I did have something in the Masquerade. No, it did not win anything, and rightly so. I put myself in the Exhibition Category, which is specifically made to show off costumes without them being judged for awards. I’ve won more than enough at BayCon and it’s time for other people to shine. Other things have sidetracked me, so I’ll have more pictures of my Ewok costume online later.
Then I came home and got smacked with a problem at my day job. No, it wasn’t something I had done. A third-party lab we had to use had a major disaster with their data management system, and we will be feeling the repercussions for the next few months. Dealing with that sapped all my energy for that following week. That’s why I missed last week’s post.
As far as writing goes, I have completed a novel not set in the Jordan Abbey universe and sent it off to some alpha readers for their opinions. I have officially started the third Jordan Abbey novel, tentatively titled Chaos Kin. I promise to have that one finished much sooner than Chaos Hunt was. Also, watch this space for a surprise announcement
And finally, I’ve been taking classes to up my writing-adjacent skills. I’ll know in a few weeks if they helped. There’s always more learning to do.