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You’re driving home late at night in Illinois. The weather is rainy, and you see a young woman in a white dress on the side of the road. Normally you don’t pick up hitchhikers, but something about the weather makes you stop and offer a ride.
Your passenger is quiet for the most of the drive. You notice her hairstyle or clothing is a little out-of-date, but maybe she was coming from a costume party. When you ask her where she’s heading, her only reply is “home,” if she chooses to answer you at all. The only time she becomes excited is when she demands you pull over the car. She dashes out almost before the car stops moving. By the time you’ve put the car in park, she’s disappeared. That is when you realize you are in front of a cemetery and you’ve met one of its most famous inhabitants. You just gave a ride to Resurrection Mary.
Resurrection Mary’s story is similar to other vanishing hitchhiker tales. The driver picks up a passenger who disappears upon reaching their destination. The story told most often about Resurrection Mary is that she was a woman who went out dancing with her sweetheart. She and her boyfriend quarreled at some point, and she ran off, despite the bad weather. She is hit by a car and killed. The driver is never found. Her grief-stricken parents bury her in a white dress and dancing shoes, wanting her to rest in peace.
It wasn’t long before the stories started about a woman in a white dress being spotted on the side of the road. She would request a ride to the Resurrection Cemetery, where she would disappear. Other people would report seeing a woman behind the locked gates, trying to get out. When the police would show up to release her, no one was found. A pair of bent bars scorched with what looked like human palm palm prints was found. The cemetery caretakers claimed the marks were caused by a botched repair job and eventually replaced that section of the bars.
Resurrection Mary sightings have tapered off since the 1970’s and 80’s, but she is occasionally seen walking along the road. Attempts have been made to link her to one of several Marys who are buried in the cemetery. Author Ursula Bielski has documented a possible connection to Anna “Marija”Norkus.
So the next time you see a young woman in white walking down the road, if you’re feeling brave, pull over and offer her a ride. You might be giving a ride to a ghost.
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(1) $100 Amazon or B&N Gift Card
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(1) $50 Amazon or B&N Gift Card

Want to win this crochet pumpkin? Leave a comment and be sure to include your email address. I will be selecting one winner at random on November 1st, 2015.
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Reading that story reminds me why I don’t like driving alone at night!
skpetal at hotmail dot com
That’s one for the book! Nice pumpkin. How long did you have to spend kneeling in the crocheted pumpkin patch before you picked one out?
It always gives me the shivers.
Thanks for stopping by.
It was amazingly easy to pick. Only took about 4 hours.
Thanks for stopping by.
The pumpkin is adorable and your story is just perfect for Halloween. 🙂
I love the Resurrection Mary story. It’s interesting how ‘ghost’ stories start and seemingly die off after a while. Makes you wonder why they die off and why some try to hold on to them.
I never drive alone at night cause one never knows what kind of people are out there!
[email protected]
Resurrection Mary has always fascinated me. Thanks for stopping by.
I live in the area near the Winchester Mystery House. It’s either crazy haunted or not a ghost to be seen depending on how popular ghosts are at the moment. I think Resurrection Mary sightings may follow that too.
Thanks for stopping by.
I always worry about the weirdos out at night, and I’m one of them!
Thanks for stopping by.
Happy Halloween!
[email protected]
Happy Halloween
bn100candg at hotmail dot com
Happy Halloween to you too!
Thanks for stopping by!
And a Happy Halloween to you too!
Thanks for stopping by.
I never pick up hitchhikers, to many crazies out there! Cute pumpkin! Happy Halloween! 🙂 [email protected]
I lived in Chicago and the southwest suburbs my whole life. Resurrection Mary was not only a Halloween staple but we always looked for her daily as we drove by the cemetery. Her sightings are year round.
Thanks for the giveaway! [email protected]
I have heard this tale in MS my entire life, but haven’t heard it called by this name. I love the pumpkin; thank you so much for the chance to win. michelle_willms at yahoo dot com
A very wise choice.
Thanks for stopping by.
I live on the West Coast and would love a chance to get back to Chicago and visit the cemetery.
Thanks for stopping by.
You’re welcome. And thanks for stoping by.
I’ve heard similar ones out here in CA. In fact, one I discovered while researching this, is centered about fifty miles north of me.
Thanks for stopping by.
I have seenthe lady! I live in illinois. We have alot of real spirits!
Happy haloween!
[email protected]
I can’t say that I have seen a ghost.
Thanks for stopping by.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Happy Halloween!
natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com
Thank You for the giveaway.
Happy Halloween to you too!
Thanks for stopping by.
You’re welcome. And thanks for stopping by.
Happy Halloween – I love your pumpkin! – [email protected]
Love Halloween and love your pumpkin.
It was fun to make. Thanks for stopping by!
It is a cutie. Thanks for stopping by
The contest is now closed. The winner, chosen by, is Kim Holliday.