I’m going to be making some changes to my blog.
Monday’s will be about my writing, like my Sunday posts.
Tuesdays are a hallucination, like The Harbor and Waterfront Recreation Area.
Wednesdays I’ll be posting something about my other passion, knitting. It will either be about something I’ve completed, or something I’m currently working on. Or maybe me bitching about how I goofed up and am now trying to untangle my favorite skein of yarn. There will be crossover with the Monday posts about how I meditate on my writing while I try to knit.
Thursdays will have an occasional post. Right now I plan to put in book reviews or things that don’t quite fit into the other categories I’m writing about.
Fridays I’m going to be posting a few links that have caught my eye. They might be writing related, but more likely they are going to be news or craft links. Expect lots of pictures of cats being unbearably cute.
Saturday and Sunday will be spent frantically writing the content for the rest of the week.
And how soon are these changes coming? Well, they’ll start tomorrow. Yes, it’s ambitious, but I’d like to see if I have the discipline to do it.