Blog Vacation For The Month Of August

Gone To The ConIn mid August, I will be driving to Spokane to attend Worldcon. In addition to attending panels and hanging out with awesome people, I will be participating in the Masquerade.  I’ve got a lot I need to get done before I go — make sure the Klingon costume is properly packed, prep music and documents needed, finish off the latest draft of Chaos Wolf on the off chance that someone would like to see it, and get the odd dozen or so things done at home so Mom can survive without me for the two weeks I will be gone.  Then when I get home I dive back into my day job and caretaking role as I recover from the con and get ready for Con-Volution.

That’s a lot for me to accomplish, and something’s got to give. Right now it appears to be my health. (As I type this, I am recovering from a summer cold and a case of conjunctivitis in my left and my right eye.)  So I’m putting the blog on hiatus through the beginning of September.

I will post my appearance schedule at the con when I have the firm times.  I’m not on any panels officially, but I am planning to participate in a post-Masquerade Show-and-Tell panel. I may post pictures or other news from time to time, but I don’t expect to resume my normal schedule until September 7th.  See you all then.