Hello World

Welcome to my blog.

My name is Sheryl Renee Hayes. I’m a writer.

What do I mean by a writer? I am someone who writes. I am not a published author, yet. I am currently working on my first novel in an urban fantasy series yet to be named. I also have several short stories rattling around in my head, although they haven’t shaken loose through my fingers yet.

I also work full time for a private utility and take care of a family member with several medical issues. When I’m not writing, I’m knitting, crocheting, or reading.

My current plan is to post once a week something relating to my writing in some way or another. It may be talking about what I am currently working on. It may be talking about who and what inspired me into writing. It may be about the various technologies I use like my computer, my tablet, or pen and paper. It may be about self-publishing versus traditional publishing. Maybe some hopefully insightful information about the convention I’ve attended. Or I may go onto a tangent about my hobby, knitting. Most likely it will be something related to my cat Xena.

I’m looking forward to talking with you.

One Reply to “Hello World”

  1. I am so proud of you and just not sure how to really express that. You are doing what so many have failed to do mostly through self doubt. You have persevered and not perished and are a hero in my eyes just from that. 🙂

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